RCIT-05 Reeves County IT Electronics Communications

Policy Title:

RCIT Reeves County Electronics Communications

Policy Number


Effective Date:



RCIT Electronics Communications Guidelines

Regulation Reference


Rev: 1.202204





Policy Statement:


This Policy establishes the guidelines and requirements for the use of IT resources within the Reeves County IT Department, encompassing computers, networks, communication systems, and other devices accessing the institution's Information Systems infrastructure. Users must adhere to this Policy and its Guidelines, ensuring the ethical, legal, and productive use of IT resources.




1. Users: Individuals authorized to utilize IT resources within the Reeves County IT Department, including employees, contractors, consultants, clients, or volunteers.


2. IT Resources: The communication and storage networks, devices, and repositories administered by the Reeves County IT Department IT Department, comprising hardware, software, and access systems for data, voice, or video communications or storage.


3. Protected Information: Data classified as Highly Restricted or Restricted Data under the institution's Data Classification Policy, including Personally Identifiable Information, Protected Health Information, and Sensitive Institution Information.




1. No Expectation of Privacy:

   - All information transmitted, received, or stored on IT Resources is the property of Reeves County IT Department.

   - Users should anticipate no privacy in any form of communication or information on IT Resources.

   - The institution reserves the right to monitor, intercept, and review all IT Resource use for security, legal, and operational purposes.


2. Appropriate Use of IT Resources:

   - Users must act lawfully and adhere to the institution's Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.

   - Unauthorized downloading or installation of software is strictly prohibited.

   - IT Resources are for business purposes, with limited personal use subject to the institution's guidelines.


3. Protection and Use of Protected Information:

   - Users must act responsibly as stewards of information.

   - Access, use, and dissemination of Protected Information must comply with security rules and business needs.

   - Unauthorized disclosure of Protected Information may result in disciplinary actions.


4. Use and Communication of Information using Email, Collaboration Tools, Social Media, and Cloud Services:

   - RC email, collaboration tools, social media, and cloud services are for business use.

   - Encryption is mandatory for emails containing Protected Information.

   - Users should use approved cloud services for storage and refrain from using personal email accounts for business purposes.


5. Appropriate Use, Protection, and Configuration of Technology and Devices:

   - Only authorized devices and technology should be used for business purposes.

   - Personal devices may only be used for approved activities through secure access methods.

   - Guidelines for smartphones, tablets, and other devices are outlined for secure use and disposal.


6. Policy Administration and Enforcement:

   - The Reeves County IT Department administers and implements this Policy.

   - Users may request exceptions through designated processes.

   - Violations may lead to disciplinary actions, including access restrictions, termination, and potential legal consequences.





This Policy is essential for ensuring the secure, ethical, and efficient use of IT resources within the Reeves County IT Department. Users are expected to comply with these guidelines to safeguard information and maintain the integrity of the institution's IT infrastructure.